Как только разработчики подсунут для перевода версию 4.0 (речь о нескольких неделях), займемся ею.
OTRS 3.3 - Руководство Администратора - http://otrs.github.io/doc/manual/admin/ ... index.html
Это сообщение от разработчиков:
OTRS Admin Manual online for Russian
Dear translators, thanks to the great efforts of the Russian team the OTRS Admin Manual is now online for OTRS 3.3 which is the version currently editable in Transifex. In a few weeks we will switch to the OTRS 4 version which will make some translation updates neccessary. If until then any other language (such as German) also reaches a high completion for the OTRS Admin Manual I will also take it online before the switch to OTRS 4. A nice welcome also to our new Swahili team which is working very hard to make OTRS available for the African market.
Thank you very much for your support!
Best regards, Martin Gruner